How effective is your luminaire?

As a product developer, you know all about the difficulties in designing a high-performing luminaire. Except considerations related to designing a beautiful and aesthetic looking lamp, you need to keep requirements like light distribution, glare control and energy-efficiency in mind.

Many manufacturers have their own light lab to measure performance during the development process, but if you don’t or want a second opinion, we can help you out.
We are experts in performing light measurements and with our Light Lab Service, we can quality-control your luminaire which adds value to your production.

About the service
We measure and specify performance of your luminaires in sizes up to 1,500mm long and 25 kilos.

The measurement is performed with our advanced goniometer that measures effectiveness and provides a full 3D distribution field. Hereby, we can perform several light measurements quickly, effectively and cost-efficiently.

The result is a comprehensive report on your luminaire’s performance. Learn more about the service or simply enjoy a tour in our Light Lab!